A browser is an application program that provides a way to look at and interact with all the information on the World Wide Web. To use Brainhunter.com, you need a web browser such as MS Internet Explorer v4.x or greater or Netscape Communicator v4.x. See also, System Requirements.
An independent contractor who gives professional advice or services. See also, Brainhunter Consultants.
This keyboard action is used with the mouse to select more than one item from a list or menu.
Point to the first item on the list that you wish to select and click the left mouse button to select it.
Hold down the Control Key on the keyboard, point to the next item on the list that you wish to select and click the item while the Control Key is still depressed.
Repeat step 2 to select more items from the list, if desired.
The information that a web site puts on your hard disk so that it can track your preferences is called a cookie. The location of the cookies on your hard disk depends on the browser. Internet Explorer stores each cookie as a separate file under a Windows subdirectory. Netscape stores all cookies in a single cookies.txt file. See also, System Requirements.
Refer to a basic skills that are needed to perform a job in a specific job stream. Select core skills that describe your work experience. The more core skills you select, the more likely it is that your professional profile will match with employers job requisitions.
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
This is the set of markup symbols or codes inserted in a text file that will be shown on a World Wide Web browser page. The markup tells the Web browser how to display the words and images. Many people refer to individual markup codes as a tags. Some HTML tags come in pairs that indicate when a display effect is to begin and end. For example, to make a section of text bold:
Type <B>
Type the text that you want to make bold.
Type </B>
You can create an HTML document in any word processor. After you are finished typing in your text with the HTML tags, save the document as plain text with a .htm file extension. See also, Improve the Way Your Online Resume Looks and HTML Tips.
JavaScript is a programming language used in Web site development to add features like pop-up windows, or to cause text or a graphic images to change during a mouse rollover. See also, System Requirements.
A formal, structured request to hire someone with a particular skills and experience to fill an open job.
A particular line of business or professional category of expertise.
A formal, structured request to hire someone with a particular skills and experience to fill an open job.
Resolution is the number of pixel (individual points of color) contained on a computer screen (display monitor). The sharpness of the image on a display depends on the resolution and the size of the monitor. To change your screen resolution in Windows:
Open Control Panel.
Double click the Display icon to open it.
Click the Settings tab.
Slide the Screen Area selector to the 800 by 600 pixels setting or greater.
Click Okay.
*Older monitors may not support this setting.
An HTML editor that enables you to author your HTML document in a format that allows you to preview what document will look like when it is viewed in a browser. Microsoft FrontPage and Dreamweaver are examples of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) HTML editors. See also, Improve the Way Your Online Resume Looks and HTML Tips.