Our Contractors web is for contractors or consultants that are currently on contract with clients of Brainhunter. If you find contract work through our system, we administer your contract and handle all invoicing, source deductions, insurance, etc. If you have found contract work at a client yourself, and need fair and honest contract administration at a price your client can live with. Email us today, or call 1-877-4EBRAIN.
Electronic Time Sheets
Invoice and Accounts Receivable Tools
Government Forms and Documents
H1B and TN VISA Information and Processing
401K Plan Administration (W2s only)
Insurance, Financial Planning and Corporation
Set-up services
Computer-Based Training
Legal Advice
As a Brainhunter contractor, you have complete access to our services, as well as the comfort of knowing you have a fair, ethical partner looking after your interests. Our margins are fixed and discounted, so you always know how much of the bill rate is going in your pocket.