When you use Brainhunter's Requisitions Management System to make a job offer, the offer is recorded in the Candidate Offer Requests section of your Employers Toolbox.
To see a list of pending offers to candidates, click Candidate Offer Requests in the Inbox of the Employers Toolbox . You will be shown a table that lists:
Requested By (name of the person who made the offer request)
Desired Start Date
Salary/Rate Offered
Offer Notes.
To select the offer request that you want to work with, click the selection box in the Select Column .
There are two buttons located at the bottom of the Candidate Offer Requests table: Authorize Selected and Decline Selected.
To authorize your Brainhunter Account Manager to present an offer to the candidate, click Authorize Selected
To decline the candidate and end the recruiting process with this particular candidate, click Decline Selected