Vendor Management

Brainhunter's Vendor Management System takes advantage of the web to manage all of your existing or new staffing suppliers. It creates a fair and instant process for distributing jobs to vendors, and allows for them to respond in real time to your requirements, online.  Find out how our clients are using this tool to reduce their time spent with agencies by 50%, while decreasing the time to hire and creating a competitive marketplace for bill rates! To learn more about Vendor Management, click here.

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Find out today how our clients are reducing the time they spent dealing with vendors by as much as 50% while reducing time to hire, and creating a competitive pricing environment!


Vendors receive real-time status updates on your jobs over the web, and can view what progress their competition is making on a requisition, allowing them to prioritize their time in filling your toughest requirements.


Our Pay-Per-Hire Pricing model means you only pay for successfully filling your positions. While price is only a part of your evaluation, you won't find a better price anywhere for the feature set Brainhunter offers.

Want the full goods?  Check out our full product and technical specs.


Call us today at 1-877-4EBRAIN ext.1